Website hacking is really a serious issue in present days. Hackers always try to find a way to hack a website. In this post, I try to cover some of the most important and fundamental elements of securing your website.
Make strong password for FTP: Password is the easy way to get access of your website. The first step of making your website safe is to make a strong password. Your passwords can easily be stolen or guess if it’s contained by your D.O.B, Name, etc. Change your password at least four times a year.
Some tips to pick secure password:
- Never use dictionary word
- Try to avoid username as a part of your password.
- Your password should be at least eight characters long
- Avoid keeping same password for all accounts.
- You should have to change your password periodically
Make password by the combination of these
- Lowercase characters (a, b, c)
- Uppercase characters (A, B, C)
- Numbers (1, 2, 3)
- Non-alphanumeric characters (!, %, *, {, £, )
Don’t share your password with someone else.
Updates your software: Always keep your Word Press core up-to- date because old version can easily hack. Always download plugins from website which you have more trust.
Make sure your PC is virus free: One more reason of password hacked is that if your computer is infected with a Trojan or virus. Most of hackers gain access to your hosting account by a Trojan or virus.
Remove unnecessary data base: If you have stopped using a database, then delete all database that is not required.
Never place your files & folders into your site’s web root: Always delete the files & folders into your site’s web roots that are not in use.
Take regular backup of your website: Backup of your website is must. It is your next step of security. Have you restore everything you wanted. You should have to take regular backup of your website. It’s really helpful in keeping your data lose minimum.
Don’t blame someone else: Fixing hacked site is only your responsibility. Your hosting provider is not responsible for this. Taking regular backup of your website is only your responsibility. Try to keep your login detail safe. Never download or install the component from internet if you don’t know about this.
Protected File and Folder Permissions: Check files permission in your server. 777 Permission is not safe. Use 755 Or 644 permissions for files & folders to keep secure.
Never use same hosting account for all your websites: You are wrong if you put all your eggs on same bucket. If you have more than two website than use different hosting account. If you use same hosting account for all your sites & one of your website is hacked then there are the chances that your all sites get hacked too.
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