Social media is the combination of two words social + media Social refer to something that is related to human society & media refer to different source of communication like newspaper, TV etc. It means social media is a source of communication where people (human society) share their thoughts, views & information. Social media is the only platform where you can find all media channels at a single place. Something likes all eggs in one bucket. Don’t worry I am going to explain this why I use this line “All eggs in one bucket“
We use TV, newspapers, internet, Radio & magazine etc because we want to know what’s going on in outside world, to entertain ourselves etc. In social media we can find these things too at one place.
I think am not wrong if I say this is the age of social media because in present days everyone depends on social media. If we see all social media sites we think they are same. They have same purpose or motive, but in actual every social media site is different from other sites. Every social media site has its unique identity & purpose. We can also generate social traffic for our website with it.
Here am sharing some points how one social media site is different from other site.
Facebook: One of the famous social media site. Everyone is aware about this social media site & we love to use this. Facebook is only website which need likes. This is the unique attribute of this social media site.
Twitter: Twitter is one of another social media site. In other words we can say a micro blogging site. This site enables us to send short text message. We always tweet about something. If we pay attention to this site we notice this says “Listen to me“
Pinterest: Pinterest is the social media site which like show off. This site is used to express things. It doesn’t need likes, share etc. It needs only expose. I mean to say this sites is all about showing pics, like a small flag that say “Show me“
YouTube: Best site to entertain yourself. We mostly use this site to see videos. This site says “Watch me“
Reddit: Reddit is all about displaying news based upon your personal preference. What makes this site unique from others is its voting. It requires votes.
Google+: One of the famous & everyone favorite site, which says give me plus one if I am important.
Stumble: Stumble is the most convenient way to find cool websites & stuff. Like a small icon says “Search me“.
Tumblr: Tumblr is a blog hosting platform that offers templates. It allow users to post videos, links, text, images, quotes and audio to their tumblelog.
Flickr: Flickr is the best social site to share photos. In other word we can say best online photo management & sharing application. Like a little banner that says” Look at me“
Like these social media sites lots of other sites are different from each others. I have shared only few sites.
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