Everyone knows by now that traditional advertising has given way to content marketing. In spite of that, the specifics of how to formulate and implement an effective content marketing strategy often elude business owners. Here are a few tips you can follow to grow the traffic to your website and see a significant increase in your conversion rates.
The Importance of Strategy
Strategy – As with any other kind of marketing, content marketing must involve proper planning and preparation for it to be effective. You must take the time to outline who your target audiences are and how you can reach them most effectively.
When at this stage, there is nothing more beneficial than working with a digital agency in Melbourne with the right mix of skills and experience to help your business. Their professional knowledge would definitely make all your activities much more incisive and directed so as to maximise the ROI.
Multimedia Content and Freebies
Multimedia Content – Blogs are all well and good, but recent research has shown that people are more likely to scan through visual content like infographics than to read an entire long-form article, especially on technical topics. Since text is still important, a very effective workaround is to combine both of them and allow the audience to decide which one they prefer.
Freebies – This should be a focal point of your strategy to entrench yourself as an authority in your field, while ensuring that your visitors convert to subscribers and subsequently become customers. You can use a variety of content including videos, e-books, webinars, and templates.
Even though the resource you are giving out is free, you should still make it of top-notch quality, in terms of the information it contains. If you do that effectively, the downloader will feel compelled to subscribe so as not to miss any new updates from you.
Social Media Engagement
Social Media – The content you create isn’t going to get itself to your targeted audience’s screens. The best way to get it there nowadays is via social media, without a doubt. Social media makes it easy for your content to be shared virally, and at a much lower cost than the alternatives.
You should target your ideal customers by working with influencers of that particular demographic. Consistent association of your brand with an influencer will rub off on you and help you build your own authority over time.
Engage your audience on the different media platforms by replying to their comments, tweets, or other posts. Doing that consistently will keep your content at the top of the newsfeeds, thus increasing your visibility and chances of customer acquisition.
In all, content marketing might not be rocket science, but it still takes analytical thinking and a strategic mindset to pull off successfully. Consult, plan, and implement with these tips in mind, and you will be on the right track to success.
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